Family Sunday school meets twice a month. Kids in pre-school through fifth grade attend with their adults. We know that no two families are alike and Bethlehem welcomes families of every kind! 

We use stories, activities, games, art, and more to learn the stories central to our faith. Families are sent home with resources to continue growing in faith together throughout the week. See the calendar on the events page for more details. Register to participate and be included in the Sunday School announcements list here.


The confirmation program for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students utilizes video clips, art projects, drama, as well as traditional study and discussion to help kids begin to make the transition toward a more mature faith. 

The three-year program focuses on the Old Testament, the New Testament, and our Lutheran identity. Each student is paired with an adult mentor in the congregation. Students and mentors meet regularly to talk about faith and real life. Students also enjoy an annual retreat and service project. The program provides young people with the understanding needed to affirm their baptism and helps to lay a solid foundation for life-long Christian education, while also building relationships and having fun. 

For more information about our confirmation program, please contact Pastor Jennie. 

Bethlehem scholarships

Bethlehem has five separate scholarship awards available to full-time students.  The funds are dependent on our members’ generosity.  Most, but not all, contributions to the scholarship funds come in the form of memorials.

Please note that scholarships are only for members attending college / university and who will be enrolled full time starting September 2025.   (The only non-members eligible are full time ELCA seminary students attached to Bethlehem as Interns.)  The deadline to apply for a Bethlehem Scholarship is Monday, April 28, 2025. 

Please click this Link for additional scholarship guidelines. 

Awards are decided by the Scholarship Committee shortly after the deadline, announced at the Bethlehem Annual Meeting, and distributed in August.

Please click this Link to access the scholarship application. 


Adult Education takes place at a variety of times throughout the year. Check the events page or weekly email blast for details. Topics range from studying a book of the Bible to discussing how our faith connects to important issues of the day. All are welcome to attend and participate.  

Women's Gather Bible Study meets monthly using the Bible study from Gather magazine (a publication of the ELCA). For information on meeting dates and locations, please check the church calendar or call the church office. Gather is currently meeting in-person and via Zoom.

Small groups meet at various times throughout the year for Bible study and other faith growth opportunities. While some groups meet year round, others come together for a set period of time. Groups are formed during the season of Lent for congregation-wide study. Check the calendar to see what groups are currently meeting.